NEW!!! 8pc Felt Wool Ball Bouquet



Let your creative spirit soar with our eco-friendly felted wool flower ball bouquets! Not only do these stunning bouquets, available in an array of gorgeous colors, add a touch of elegance to any tabletop, but they also serve as a meaningful and sustainable present. Crafted to last season after season, each bouquet features felt balls measuring 2-3cm, with a variety of sizes included in every bundle.

Our commitment to sustainability shines through in every aspect of these bouquets, from the green cloth-covered floral wire stems to the environmentally conscious dyeing process. Easily customizable with wire cutters, these bouquets allow you to create unique arrangements at varying heights, adding versatility to your decor.

Sold in sets of 8, our felted wool flower ball bouquets offer flexibility for any display. Whether arranged as a bouquet, displayed individually, or added to an arrangement of fresh flowers, these bouquets are perfect for letting your creativity flourish. Treat your loved ones to the gift of everlasting beauty this Mother’s Day (and any other gifting occasion), and let the vibrant colors of nature brighten their day.

Colors: You will be sent an assortment in the palette of the colors pictured.

*Colors may vary slightly due to availability and differences in the dyeing process.

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Let your creative spirit soar with our eco-friendly felted wool flower ball bouquets! Not only do these stunning bouquets, available in an array of gorgeous colors, add a touch of elegance to any tabletop, but they also serve as a meaningful and sustainable present. Crafted to last season after season, each bouquet features felt balls measuring 2-3cm, with a variety of sizes included in every bundle.

Our commitment to sustainability shines through in every aspect of these bouquets, from the green cloth-covered floral wire stems to the environmentally conscious dyeing process. Easily customizable with wire cutters, these bouquets allow you to create unique arrangements at varying heights, adding versatility to your decor.

Sold in sets of 8, our felted wool flower ball bouquets offer flexibility for any display. Whether arranged as a bouquet, displayed individually, or added to an arrangement of fresh flowers, these bouquets are perfect for letting your creativity flourish. Treat your loved ones to the gift of everlasting beauty this Mother’s Day (and any other gifting occasion), and let the vibrant colors of nature brighten their day.

Colors: You will be sent an assortment in the palette of the colors pictured.

*Colors may vary slightly due to availability and differences in the dyeing process.


Let your creative spirit soar with our eco-friendly felted wool flower ball bouquets! Not only do these stunning bouquets, available in an array of gorgeous colors, add a touch of elegance to any tabletop, but they also serve as a meaningful and sustainable present. Crafted to last season after season, each bouquet features felt balls measuring 2-3cm, with a variety of sizes included in every bundle.

Our commitment to sustainability shines through in every aspect of these bouquets, from the green cloth-covered floral wire stems to the environmentally conscious dyeing process. Easily customizable with wire cutters, these bouquets allow you to create unique arrangements at varying heights, adding versatility to your decor.

Sold in sets of 8, our felted wool flower ball bouquets offer flexibility for any display. Whether arranged as a bouquet, displayed individually, or added to an arrangement of fresh flowers, these bouquets are perfect for letting your creativity flourish. Treat your loved ones to the gift of everlasting beauty this Mother’s Day (and any other gifting occasion), and let the vibrant colors of nature brighten their day.

Colors: You will be sent an assortment in the palette of the colors pictured.

*Colors may vary slightly due to availability and differences in the dyeing process.

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